The Voice Analysis Harmony program was designed to analyze a person's frequency and to adjust (or infuse) a specific note to improve their quality of life. When training for the program certification, I learned about specific frequency archetype ranges which I found interesting and wanted to share in this post.
200-500k Dolphins highest range
18,500 Highest frequency ever heard by a woman
17,500 Highest frequency ever heard by a man
5k-8k Highest note on a piano
4096 Quartz crystal
528 Frequency of the heart
432 Baby just out of the womb (relates to the diameter of the sun)
297 Frequency found in crop circles
256 Physical and Scientific Mean (Philosopher's middle C)
250 Average voice (common to everyone)
85 Beethoven's Fire Frequency
45 Resonate frequency of bones
40-80 Bass on a stereo
25 Frequency that cats purr at
25 Lowest frequency that most humans can hear
16 Main frequency put out by whales
12-20 Beta brainwaves
7-12 Alpha brainwaves
4-7 Theta brainwaves
3-4 Lowest frequency put out by elephants
1.2 Average Heart Rate
.5-4 Delta brainwaves
*Statistics provided by Globe Sound Healing Institute (David Gibson)
#frequency #voicehealing #soundhealing #dolphinsound #whalesound #432hertz #deltabrainwave #gammabrainwave #thetabrainwave #beethovenfrequency #betabrainwave #globesoundhealinginstititue #davidgibson #celtickameron #voicebio
